Free Printable Project Planner Wall Chart

Credit: Freepik
Ever find yourself with so much on your plate you just have to pick up a pen and start writing?
For those of us managing multiple projects, writing things down is a great way to ensure one of the plates we’re spinning isn’t forgotten and come crashing to the ground.
Free printable project planner
While there are lots of digital options out there, sometimes pen and paper is the optimal method to get things under control again.
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This free wall chart is available to download in A2 or A3 format to stick on your office wall so your whole team can (literally) be on the same page. Or, you can print it out as A4 to use personally at your own desk or in team meetings.
You can plan out three projects per page, with each project broken down into concise task lists and monthly timelines. With each task having it’s own row across a month-long time frame, you can plan things out in a Gantt chart style fashion, and easily keep track of tasks finishing on time or quickly identify any tasks that are going to be late.
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